Bags are Packed (4 suitcases; 4 carry-ons) |
Phew! Finally, we are packed (and I'm not up until 2am this time)! It was very tricky to stay within the 44lb/bag limit as the suitcases themselves weigh 10lbs apiece! We have been instructed to stay within the 44lb limit since inter-country flights in China are very restrictive with what you can bring. We are allowed one suitcase per person and one carry-on. When you're traveling with 4 people and picking up a baby (whom you have to pack for as well) for a 3 week trip, it gets tricky. I felt bad for the kids last night. When I asked each of them to go to their rooms to choose some books to bring along, they each chose a book that was a hardcover only to be sent back to their room since hardcover books are too heavy! I'm even looking at Emily's electric toothbrush and thinking...hmmm, how much does that weigh? It was pretty funny last night when Mike packed his clothes and kept standing on the scale with a pile of clothes in his hand exclaiming "Damn! These clothes weigh 5lbs!!!" Never thought I'd see the day that even Mike felt he was over-packing!
We have had to pack an interesting variety of items such as:
- documents (panicked I'm forgetting something important)
- lice shampoo
- clothes for ShiYang (as he only comes with the clothes on his back)
- donations for the orphanage
- over-the-counter drugs (Imodium being the most important)
- formula, diapers, bottles, pacifiers, blankets, toys
- snacks for us (since the kids are a bit worried about what they'll be forced to eat)
- band-aids, neosporin, ace bandages
- travel books
- translator (cool device which will speak Mandarin for us...phew)
- sunscreen (it will be in the high 80s in middle and southern China)
- gifts for orphanage/officials
Either way, at 5:30am, Mike's parents (very nicely) will be taking us to the airport and sending us on our China. Walking Emily home from school yesterday, I asked her if she knew what continent we were going to and she said "China!". After I explained that China is a country in Asia, she exclaimed "That's why they call them Asians!" I giggled but am sure at the age of 7, I couldn't have told you what continent China was on either. (This is the same child who, after discovering that we need to be extra careful not to swallow any water from the shower while we're in China, announced, "That's OK Mommy, I just won't take a shower for 3 weeks!" Ummm....NO!) Every now and then I announce to my family "We're going to China! Can you believe it? We're going to China and coming home with a son!" After I endure the numerous eye rolls from my children and snickering from my husband, we all agree this is going to be an adventure, one we will never forget.
ShiYang's New Bedroom (newly painted) |
This is probably the cleanest it will ever be... |
I had chills of utter happiness as I was reading this knowing that you were on your way to Shiyang!!! love to all of you :)